My Latest Sojourn to Singinawa

There are few places in the world that offer a fresh perspective on every visit. Singinawa is, I am proud to say, one of them. Each visit of mine has inspired new stories, letting my love for nature grow fondly. Recently, I decided to go there with my family and I’d love to share the experience with you.

Having owned the Lodge for two years now, stepping into its grounds gives me a sense of familiarity and yet I am exhilarated about what I might encounter. There is always a feeling of adventure that one has when going to a place that is inhabited by wildlife but I am glad to combine adventure with comfort at Singinawa, letting my guests enjoy the best of both worlds. Conservation is very close to my heart and through the Singinawa Conservation Foundation, along with the efforts of my dedicated team, the Lodge has been re-greened quite extensively within a short period of time. This, of course, is an ongoing process and one that I hope to continue expanding with time. The team of naturalists at Singinawa contributes immensely towards educating guests about the huge variety of plants and wildlife that can be found here. With every visit, I notice a positive growth in the right direction.

This time at the Lodge there were plenty of pleasant encounters, expected and otherwise. The antics of the mischievous langurs in the trees have always amused me. At times I try to decipher what they might be chattering about. A trip to the river Tannaur led to a happy sighting. I saw tracks of a hyena on the riverbank, a healthy sign of the animal population in the Reserve. It might have followed a deer or simply come to enjoy a refreshing drink of water. We’ll let that remain a mystery. Deer are quite a common sighting at the Lodge. The lush grasslands that surround it are quite beckoning for the different species that inhabit this region. Spotted deer and families of wild boar graciously visit Singinawa’s guests. Sighting animals is not limited to daytime. The night brings with it its own troupe of wild visitors. I had just stepped out of my room at night when I saw a couple of palm civets nearby. It was interesting to note their explorations of the area in search for some juicy berries or perhaps a crunchy insect. They were very pleasant company for a while before scurrying off.


The beauty of a luna moth enthralled me during one of my walks. Its gracefully long hind wings made me think of a ballerina in the middle of a quatrième devant, robed in a delicate shade of green. I was honored to have witnessed it during its short life span of a week.


For me Singinawa is a vision. I endeavor to provide the best habitation to not only guests at the Lodge but also to the natural residents here. One cannot isolate oneself from nature when promoting ecotourism. It is imperative to create a holistic experience where nature plays a pivotal role. This trip has reinvigorated me to continue on my journey of conservation. Looking forward to see what the next one brings.

-Tulika Kedia

MD, Singinawa Jungle Lodge

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