Kanha Safari Adventures

A New Form

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After spending an hour gazing at the night sky, we started walking back to the main building. The path back to the building is…

The Caterpillar

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The way back to our room from the main lodge is small path leading down from the museum, to the staff area and further. This…

The unexpected lizard

Walking around in the morning to see the amazing wildlife that abodes within the Singinawa Jungle Lodge premises is the norm these…

Traces left behind

One of the greatest pleasures of going on a nature walk is getting the opportunity to step into the natural world and experiencing the…

Tiger Battles

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Tiger sightings are always exciting, whether it’s an individual tiger or two or a streak of tigers. You would always encounter some…

Butterfly Bonanza

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After a spell of unseasonal rain during the winter, the skies opened up and we had clear and beautiful weather for a few days. All…

Battle Of The Apex Predators

The morning was exceptionally hot. After finishing our breakfast, we were meandering through the forest, hoping to sight a Tiger…

Tigers and Their Love for Water

To beat the heat in the extreme summers of Central India, tigers spend a lot of time in water. This means that the summer time…

Feeding frenzy

It was a regular morning safari. As we were driving through the massive Kanha Meadow (technically a grassland), we chanced upon…

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